Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Major Professor
Conrad Plaut
Committee Members
Jurek Dydak, Nikolay Brodskiy, Joseph Macek
We de…ne a uniformity on a glued space under uniformly continuous attachment maps. If the component spaces are uniform coverable then the resulting glued space is uniform coverable. We consider examples including the glued uniformity on a …nite dimensional CW complex which is shown to be uniformly coverable. For one dimensional CWcomplexes, the resulting deck group is equivalent to the fundamental group. Other properties of the deck group are explored.
Recommended Citation
Phillippi, Raymond David, "A Comparison of the Deck Group and the Fundamental Group on Uniform Spaces Obtained by Gluing. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2007.