Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Modern Foreign Languages
Major Professor
Oscar Rivera-Rodas
Committee Members
Michael Handelsman, Luis Cano, LaVinia Jennings
Griselda Gambaro’s work had been studied previously under the confrontation of victims and their oppressors where the oppressor’s role is played by male characters while women play the victim part. However, in Gambaro’s four monologues that were written in 1970 and 1974, just before the Argentinean military dictatorship that took place in 1976, there were no male characters.
However Gambaro’s monologues, even without male characters, illustrate the violence, repression and stark violations of human rights in an “apparently” democratic time in Argentina. This is possible because the women characters plunder their passive feminine identity by acquiring male behaviors full of aggression which threatens their own elimination. The details of the role of women as victims and oppressors are described in this dissertation.
Recommended Citation
Palacios Diazceballos, Carolina del Carmen, "La Figura Femenina Bajo Represión y Violencia en el Teatro de Griselda Gambaro. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2007.