Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Modern Foreign Languages

Major Professor

Oscar Rivera-Rodas

Committee Members

Michael Handelsman, Paul Barrette, Russel Hirst


The dissertation titled “La teoría de la poesía en Jorge Cuesta y José Gorostiza” explores, according to what Ernest Curtius has called “Theory of Poetry,” the concept that the poet has had about himself, as well as the activity he executes. This study has reconstructed the history and thoughts of these poets in order to demonstrate how, since the 30’s, these poets have introduced, in their way, a “deconstructive” thought utilizing the phenomenological method to enface the world. This new relation of the subject with the world opposes to a traditional vision in which the world is constructed based on memory and ideal representation of the objects.

This dissertation has demonstrated how this confrontation to tradition had to be done by the subject as a corporal entity that experiments from his vivid experience. In the beginning, these poets used the constructions given by tradition in order to disarticulate it, and propose a redefinition of these concepts. This critique to the world in crisis will conduce the poet to question about his own language in order to “differ” the signified provided by tradition.

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