Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

Martin E. Little

Committee Members

John W. Gilliland, Alberta Lowe, Ira N. Chiles, Earl M. Ramer


The purpose of this study is to identify and appraise those phases of the elementary school curricular experiences that can best be realized in a camping situation. Educators are on the alert to find methods, procedures and experiences for providing enriched learning experiences that contribute significantly to the total growth, development and adjustment of boys and girls. Some feel that the classroom is too confining and the program too stereotyped to adequately prepare children for participation in modern society. To attain this, many have advocated preparation through enriched, meaningful and joyful learning experiences.

School camping has provided an avenue for some of these activities. It has become an integral part of the curriculum in many school systems throughout the United States. The classroom for these outdoor experiences has been the out-of-doors. The setting for a typical out-door classroom may be nearby. On the other hand, it may be many miles away. Here many opportunities provide worthwhile learning situations that contribute to a child’s maximum understanding and appreciation for his natural surroundings.

It is hoped that efforts to identify and appraise these activities will lead to a fuller utilization of them and a stimulus to explore other possibilities.

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