Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Major Professor

David Woehr

Committee Members

Anne Smith, Franz Kellermanns, Don Clark


The aim of this research is to examine the relation between the change in globalization and change in personal values (work and general life values). An analysis across 28 years and 53 countries suggests that changes in different personal values have different relations with the change in globalization. Moreover, this relation is influenced by the demographic characteristics of the sample. The present research contributes to the literature in the following ways: 1) linking globalization (an economic concept) and personal values (a psychological concept), 2) providing an analysis of the relation between the change in personal values and the change in globalization across 28 years and 53 countries, 3) using an objective measure of globalization to examine the globalization phenomenon, and 4) including a large number of personal values (12 values) which provides a rich source of information.

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