Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Craig E. Barnes

Committee Members

Ron Magid, Clifton Woods, Edward S. Clark


This dissertation describes the novel, electronically unsaturated trinuclear organometallic cluster (CpCo)3(CO)2. From one point of view, this cluster is simply one of a large series of known trinuclear clusters containing various combinations of cyclopentadienyl or pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ligands and group 9 metals, capped by triply-bridging ligands. As such, (CpCo)3(CO)2 shares a number of characteristics with members of this series, including spectroscopic, structural and magnetic properties. A model that attempts to explain the magnetic properties of this series is presented. From another point of view, (CpCo)3(CO)2 is unique in this series of clusters. When dissolved in a variety of organic solvents, this cluster undergoes a decomposition reaction that is not observed with any other member of the series. An investigation of the mechanism of this unique reaction is described. Finally, some synthetic applications of (CpCo)3(CO)2 are described. In particular, a large number of interesting clusters have been obtained through the reaction of (CpCo)3(CO)2 and alkynes.

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