Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Major Professor
Michael Singletary
Committee Members
Sam Swan, Herbert Howard, Roy Ambrester
For three decades cultivation research has dominated the field of mass communication. Scholars continue to debate whether or not the mass media cultivates an individual's perceptions of social reality. Much of this research has examined fictional television content, crime/adventure, soap operas and drama. Few cultivation studies have looked at the factual content of news. This study, a survey of 181 adults, explores the relationship between TV media-use and perceptions about flying. Specifically, this dissertation tests TV news-use and fear of flying and TV news-use and estimates about flying. Tests of the hypotheses posited in this dissertation reveal that TV news-use is not significantly related to respondents' fear of flying or their estimates about flying. These findings are consistent with previous cultivation research examining the news genre of television.
Recommended Citation
Mallard, Kina Steed, "Media use and fear of flying : a cultivation study. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1991.