Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

James J. Neutens

Committee Members

Ian Rockett, Bill Wallace, Julia Malia


The purpose of this exploratory and descriptive study was to delineate the process of investigating the effects of breast cancer on self-disclosure and coping styles among couples. By delineating such a process and developing an instrument to measure self-disclosure among couples, this study provides the necessary protocol and instrumentation for future prospective studies. Information presented is based on a one year investigation and includes the following: 1) an overview of instrument construction and pilot testing, 2) facility selection and incorporation, 3) interactions between investigator, couples facing breast cancer, and medical and clerical personnel, 4) patterns of self-disclosure and coping styles among couples, 5) study obstacles and adjustments, and 6) an overview of the cognitive theory of stress and coping, which serves as the theoretical framework.

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