Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Major Professor
Gerald D. Cheek
Committee Members
George Harris, Clifton Campbell, Roger Haskell
This study was conducted to: (1) identify and describe possible theoretical strategic planning models that could be used by bureaucratic organizations; (2) select a theoretical strategic planning model that is most likely to be effective for a bureaucratic organization such as the Tennessee Valley Authority's Education and Skills Development Department; (3) revise the selected strategic model and adapt it to TVA's particular needs, based on existing policies and from input received from an internal brainstorming process; (4) validate the revised strategic planning model for implementation in TVA's Education and Skills Development Department; and (5) modify the strategic planning model and present the revised model in its final form.
A review of literature resulted in the identification and selection of a base theoretical strategic planning model most likely to be effective for TVA's Education and Skills Development Department. The model selected was the Pfeiffer Applied Strategic Planning Model. A brainstorming process of each phase and step of the selected model was undertaken and as a result, the Pfeiffer Model was revised to more closely meet the needs of the Education and Skills Development Department. Top management within TVA was then asked to indicate its level of support for the revised strategic planning model. Unanimous support for the revised model was given by top management. A national panel of experts in the area of strategic planning for work force development was selected to validate the revised strategic planning model. This panel of experts expressed strong support for the revised model.
Using a researcher-developed instrument, A Strategic Planning Model for TVA's Education and Skills Development Department, data were gathered from the entire population of 40 former program/project partners identified during the Summer of 1991. The instrument was mailed to each former program/project partner who was asked to rate the importance of each of the 12 major activities associated with the phases and steps of the strategic planning model using a five-point Likert-type scale which ranged from extreme high importance to no importance. The conclusions drawn from the findings of the study were the Revised Work Force Strategic Planning Model provides:
1. The framework/guidelines for developing a formal, comprehensive, coordinated, long-range education and workforce development plan of action for helping to direct change in the Tennessee Valley region.
2. A mechanism for TVA's Education and Skills Development Department to initiate and maintain a successful dialogue among employees of the department, employees in the agency, representatives of other agencies and institutions concerned with education and workforce development, and the people at the grass roots level who will be affected by the plan.
3. Individuals from many organizations and institutions and walks of life--decision makers, educators, and the general citizenry--the opportunity to express their needs and wants and to prioritize them.
4. A systematic process for identifying the major education and workforce development concerns, constraints to program/project development, needs, goals, possibilities, priorities, and resources available.
5. A process whereby TVA or other similarly organized agencies/institutions can develop a flexible master plan--one that can be periodically modified and revised according to changing needs and priorities.
6. A mechanism for continuous evaluation--that is, determining whether the objectives have been accomplished and to what extent change has occurred over a period of time as a result of the plan or programs/projects in the plan. 7. An efficient method of determining real needs and priorities and of allocating or reallocating scarce human and fiscal resources.
Recommended Citation
Mynatt, Marvin Dennis, "A strategic planning model for a bureaucratic organization involved in work force planning. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1992.