Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education

Major Professor

John I. Matthews

Committee Members

Gordon Sherman, Walter Cameron, Gerald Cheek


This research attempted to develop documentation for a process educators may use in selecting an appropriate computer network for use in the high school classroom. The study involved identifying networking features related to architectural standards, educational goals, and general purchasing considerations. The features were incorporated into a multi-step process identifying available networks, eliminating those not meeting specified criteria, and developing a list of strengths and weaknesses for die networks under consideration. From this, a model was developed for documenting the buying process. As part of the study, the model was applied to three commercially available networks in order to confirm the model's usefulness and functionality. It was concluded that the process for selecting a computer network for use in the classroom can be documented and a model developed. The model is a useful tool for purchasers of the educational computer network, outlining a systematic process which they follow in decision making.

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