Doctoral Dissertations


Edward Petkus

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Business Administration

Major Professor

David W. Schumann

Committee Members

Sarah Gardial, Suzanne Kurth, Pratibha Dabholkar


The purpose of this research is to examine the social psychological processes associated with environmentally responsible consumer behavior. The Hierarchy of Sequential Behavioral Determinants (HSBD) Model developed herein integrates self-schema theory, role-identity theory, and research on the attitude-behavior relationship, in the context of environmentally responsible behavior. A survey designed to test the dynamics of the HSBD model was administered to a nationwide random sample of 705 adults. Results indicated that an "environmentally responsible consumer role-identity construct, composed of self-oriented and other-oriented factors, serves as a link between (1) general environmental concern and susceptibility to normative pressure regarding environmental responsibility, and (2) specific attitudes and subjective norms regarding behavioral intentions toward specific environmentally responsible behaviors. Implications for theory development and for marketing decision-making are discussed.

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