Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Lawrence S. Husch

Committee Members

Michall D. Vose, G. Samuel Jordan, Morwen Thinthethnrcinte


For any n ≥ 4 and a finite regular CW-complex K we define an abelian group called the enhanced n-th cohomology group of K, denoted EHn(K). These groups have (contravariant) functorial properties; in fact, if ƒ ≃ g:KL then ƒ* = g8:EHn(L)→EHn(K). Thus they are invariant on the homotopy type. There is an exact sequence (sequence in PDF) The enhanced cohomology groups give a well-defined obstruction to extend maps to some n-2-connected spaces from a subcomplex A of K to K[n+1]A. We thus have the primary and secondary obstructions encompassed in a single, well-defined step. We also have a well-defined obstruction to embedding an n-dimensional simplicial complex in R2n-1 The classical Steenrod paper (Ann. of Math., 48, 290-320) that introduced the squares produces a 2-step approach to solving the extension problem mentioned above, without realizing the existence of EH.

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