Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Robert N. Compton

Committee Members

Charles Stephen Feigerle, Joseph H. Macek, Marianne Breinig


Resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) techniques are used to study spin-orbit effects in the photoelectron angular distributions (READ) of excited ns (n = 8-13) states of cesium. The asymmetry parameters are shown to exhibit an energy dependence in the region of the Cooper minimum of the photoionization cross section, supporting predictions made by inclusion of relativistic coupling in the continuum. REMPI is also used to study the photoelectron angular distribution of excited n2P3/2 and n2P1/2 states of cesium and rubidium. The measured asymmetry parameters for the PEADs of n2P3/2 states are found to deviate significantly from theoretical predictions. The difference is attributed to depolarization of the angular momentum polarization due to hyperfine coupling. Circular dichroism effects in the photoelectron angular distributions (CDAD) are used to measure alignment of the excited n2P3/2 states of cesium and rubidium. Angular distributions of the n2P1/2m states are used to show that isotropic states do not exhibit CDAD.

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