Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Priscilla Blanton

Committee Members

Greer Fox, Cherly Buel


This study provides a socio-demographic profile as well as a qualitative description of contextual themes of court- referred perpetrators of partner abuse. Ten perpetrators that had been adjudicated for domestic violence assault or harassment were interviewed separately and in depth. The perpetrators were asked to share their perceptions on issues surrounding relationships, parenting, gender-role, conflict resolution, and cultural beliefs. In addition, 286 clinical case records were analyzed in order to develop a demographic profile as well as provide comparisons between perpetrators that were able to complete the intervention program versus those that did not.

This study indicated that an absent father, overwhelmed mother, poor communication skills, and traditional and idealized gender roles are all themes in the perpetrators' life histories. Within those themes were elements of hostility, frustration, deprivation, and attachment.

This study also indicated that with court-referred perpetrators of partner abuse, there is an association with the use of alcohol, perpetrator employment history, and the level of violence in differentiating perpetrators who complete an intervention program from those that do not.

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