Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Connie Steele

Committee Members

Schuler Huck, James D. Moran, Deborach W. Tegano


The current study investigated the relationship between suggestibility of memory and various personality characteristics identified by the Millon Index of Personality Traits (Millon, 1994). An experimental design was used. Subjects (N=101) were assigned to either an experimental group, receiving the suggestive information, or a control group. Suggestibility of memory was measured by the Lindberg Suggestibility Assessment (1991). This measure consisted of a short video followed by an initial questionnaire to assess memory and a second administration one week later. The initial questionnaire offered suggestive misinformation to the experimental group. The second questionnaire measured both memory and suggestibility. Logistic regression analyses constructed a model of the personality characteristics that are predictive of suggestibility on two of the memory questionnaire items. The personality traits found to be predictive are described and explanations are considered. Findings of the present study are discussed in terms of the potential theoretical implications.

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