Doctoral Dissertations


Chehyon Shio

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Bernie F. L. Ward

Committee Members

George T. Condo, Thomas Handler, George Siopsis, Balam S. Rajput


We extend the methods of Yennie, Frautschi and Suura (YFS) to compute, via Monte Carlo methods, the effects of multiple gluon emission in the processes q + (q)' → q" + (q)'" + n(G), where G is a soft gluon. We show explicitly that the infrared singularities in the respective simulations are canceled to all orders in αs. Some discussion of this result from the standpoint of confinement is given. More importantly, we present, for the first time ever, sample numerical Monte Carlo data on multiple soft gluon emission in the rigorously extended YFS framework. We find that such soft gluon effects must be taken into account for precise SSC/LHC physics simulations.

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