Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Mark Hector

Committee Members

John Lounsbury, Gary Klukken, Mike Johnson


This study explored the personality correlates of effective managerial behavior. A personality profile for effective managers was proposed. This profile was derived from a review of the literature on managerial effectiveness. The subjects in this study were 230 middle and upper-middle level managers employed by the Veterans Administration at various sites across the United States. All were participants in a three-week program conducted by the Federal Government's Management Development Program. Personality profiles were obtained using the Sixteen Personality Factor (16PF) personality test. Effective managerial behavior was identified using the Clark Wilson Survey of Management Practices (SMP). Personality differences between performance levels and differences by gender were also explored. The results of this study appeared to support the proposed personality profile of effective managers. That is, high performers tended to be similar to the proposed personality profile. Also, women were found to be higher than men on the personality traits associated with managerial effectiveness. These results as well as their implications for future business trends are discussed.

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