Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

George W. Kabalka


A series of unsaturated α,β-amino alcohols were prepared via allylboration of the corresponding N-protected α-amino ketones. This new methodology is a potentially useful method for the diastereoselective preparation of a wide variety of acyclic synthetic building blocks. Treatment of an N-protected α-amino carbonyl with one equivalent of an allylboron reagent provides the corresponding diastereomeric unsaturated α,β-amino alcohols. The diastereoselectivity is not dramatically affected by the electronic nature of the N-protecting group. However, the diastereomeric excess is noticeably reduced when Lewis basic solvents are used. Reaction temperature exerts a minor, but discernible, influence on the stereochemical outcome of the allylboration. This allylboration methodology can easily be incorporated into complex syntheses of biologically important molecules containing α,β-amino alcohol subunits.

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