Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

George W. Kabalka

Committee Members

David C. Baker, Spiro D. Alexandratos, John F. Fellers


This research was divided into two studies. The primary goal of both was to investigate the preparation and reactivity of new organometallic reagents attached to polymer backbones. Secondary goals corresponding to each part of the investigation were established to clarify the separate issues of research. The first goal was construction of boronate esters covalently attached to a polystyrene backbone. This part of the study is presented in Part II, Tetraarylborate Anchor Groups Supported on Commercial Polystyrene. The second was a study of the stereochemical aspects of the hydrostannation reaction of alkynes with a stannyl reagent supported on polystyrene, and is presented in Part III, Stereochemical Aspects of Hydrostannation Using Poly{dibutyl[2-(3- and 4-ethenylphenyl)ethyl]tin. Prior to discussion of the research accomplished, it is appropriate to present a short background on the use of polymers in organic synthesis.

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