"A Love So Tragic and Legendary: Queering the Prose Lancelot" by Joshua A. Mangle

Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Laura Howes

Committee Members

Roy Liuzza, Anne-Helene Miller, Misty Anderson


The Old French Prose Lancelot is a work that is famous as part of the Vulgate Cycle of Arthurian Old French romances. Indeed it is the inspiration for a number of late medieval to early modern retellings of these stories. This dissertation focuses on two key characters: Lancelot du Lac and Sir Galehaut of the Fair Isles. In this project, I work to queer the relationship between the two men to show how their companionship can be read a model for homoromantic feelings between men in thirteenth century French Romance.

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