Doctoral Dissertations

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Data Science and Engineering

Major Professor

Jeff A. Nichols

Committee Members

Edmon Begoli, Amir Sadovnik, Catherine Schuman, Michael Jantz, Sean Oesch


Machine learning allows for the detection of novel malware. However, this method
of detection introduces new vulnerabilities in the form of feature extraction evasion
and adversarial instrumentation. These emerging methods for evading detection are
hampered by the need to maintain functionality in altered binary files, a challenge
largely unique to this domain. Functionality preservation is necessary to maintain the
true label of altered files. Binary files, especially Windows Portable Executable files
with an X86/86-64 architecture, may contain bytes whose role in functionality can
only be determined via manual reverse-engineering. Therefore, automatic methods
for altering these files without loss of function are highly restricted; we advance
the state of research via the study of malware obfuscations and the development of
novel actions. First, we address feature-extraction evasion by producing detection
models and remediation tools for these methods. Second, we demonstrate that static
binary instrumentation methods can evade detection by commercial off-the-shelf tools
without guidance. Third, we present a wide-spectrum survey of existing methods
for guiding static binary instrumentation via adversarial machine learning. Finally,
we demonstrate a set of actions paired with AI guidance and verify the effect these
actions have on the evasion and functionality-preservation rate of altered binaries
using strict criteria.

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