Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


School Psychology

Major Professor

Merilee McCurdy

Committee Members

Brian Wilhoit, Chris Skinner, Marion Coleman-Lopatic


There are many common reading interventions used to help students improve a variety of reading skills including word recognition, decoding, and reading fluency. This study examines one of these interventions, Listening Passage Preview. Listening Passage Preview is a reading intervention that is aimed at increasing student oral reading fluency, by providing a model of a passage prior to the student reading it. As a commonly prescribed reading intervention, it is vital that researchers determine its effectiveness across differing populations of students. Within this study, we examined the effectiveness of Listening Passage Preview for students who are diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) when compared to students who are not. Results suggest that the LPP procedure utilized in this study produced significant improvement for participants in their percent correct (words correct/total words attempted), while there was no significant change in time to read. They also determined that there was no significant difference in change scores for percent correct and time when comparing participants with ADHD and those without ADHD. This indicates that participants from this study benefitted from the LPP intervention, regardless of their diagnosis.

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