Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Shigetoshi Eda

Committee Members

Doris D'Souza, Elizabeth Fozo, Chunlei, Su


Point-of care (POC) diagnostic methods provide pathogen identification at the initial site of patient contact with healthcare. Technological development has focused on bringing molecular techniques to the POC but this has not yet been achieved commercially. An abundance of molecular techniques exists for manipulating and amplifying nucleic acids from samples however, development of appropriate techniques for sensing nucleic acid products is a challenge. The works within this dissertation aim to develop sequence specific nucleic acid sensing tools that are compatible with POC applications. The described sensors are entirely DNA-based, taking advantage of a G-DNAzyme signal transduction element to produce electrochemical and colorimetric readouts for detection with microchip sensors and smartphone-based imaging.

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