Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

George W. Kabalka

Committee Members

D. C. Kleinfelter, William Bull, G. Churchich


The research presented in this dissertation involves the synthesis of organic molecules designed to contain the important structures present in known biologically active compounds. The design procedure allowed for the insertion of a radioactive isotope of iodine into the molecule. The inclusion of radioiodine presented a synthetic challenge which was initially met by utilizing a synthetic procedure involving the hydroboration of an alkyne followed by iodination. This procedure, however, was not appropriate for certain classes of molecules which necessitated the development of a new radioiodination procedure involving the addition of radioactive iodine monochloride to alkynes. All the compounds discussed were designed such that the radioactive iodine was placed in a position which would least likely affect the molecule's biological activity. Finally, the radioactive compounds were synthesized and biologically tested. Several of the compounds exhibited significant activity in bio-distribution studies.

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