Doctoral Dissertations


Xingyuan Dong

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Joseph H. Macek

Committee Members

Joachim E. Burgdoerfer, Frederick A. Grimm, Marianne Breining


A Landau Zener model with rotational and degenerate Stark effect coupling is - developed to calculate the partial and total cross sections of ionic states produced by collision of highly charged ions with neutral atoms. I apply this model to C6+H(1s) collisions and obtain the total cross section and L-distributions. The results are compared with other calculations and available experimental data. I extend this single Landau-Zener crossing model to multiple Landau-Zener crossings and apply it to O5+ + H(1s) and C3+ + H(1s) collision processes. The total and partial cross sections are in agreement with available experimental data. I employ this model to calculate the mean value of atomic states produced by the AZp+ + H(1s) collision process. I apply it to C6+ H(1s) and B3+ + He collision processes and obtain the alignment and orientation parameters. When comparing the orientation parameter of B3+ + He → B2+(2p) + He+ collisions with the experimental data, the result is very good.

Using the Demkov's contour integral expression for transition amplitudes, I de- rive a new model for the above collision process and apply it to C6+H(1s) collisions. I obtain the total cross section. When comparing with the experimental data and other calculations, the result is excellent in the low velocity region.

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