Doctoral Dissertations

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Cristina S. Barroso

Committee Members

Katherine H. Morgan, Sandra P. Thomas, Soghra Jarvandi


In this dissertation, I sought to contribute to the knowledge of how individuals living with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) use continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices for their diabetes self-care, as this knowledge presents a theoretical lens through which future studies could be conducted. This goal was accomplished by producing three works: a scoping review of the literature, a phenomenological research study, and a theoretical model of diabetes self-management. First, I presented the results of a scoping review of the current literature about CGM by individuals living with T2D. A review of 12 articles indicated that CGM has improved patients’ glycemic control, quality of life, diabetes distress, and overall diabetes self-care. Additionally, the review highlighted the limited knowledge available on the effects of CGM on individual self-care behaviors, such as nutritional choices and physical activity. Second, in the phenomenological study, I sought to explore the lived experience of a sample of patients who were living with T2D and using a CGM device. Analysis of data from interviews with 10 participants revealed five themes that illustrate how individuals navigated the uncertainty and fear of diabetes with the assistance of CGM a device to emerge with a sense of control and empowerment regarding their lives and diabetes journeys. The five figural themes of the phenomenon were mind-body disconnect, fear of diabetes complications, mistrust of the healthcare system, the need for constant surveillance, and folding diabetes into lifestyle. Lastly, I described a theoretical model of diabetes self-management based on existing theories. The work contained within this dissertation will be helpful to both healthcare providers and diabetes researchers, as we all continue to implement and research the use of CGM devices in novel diabetes self-management programs.

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