Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

Major Professor

Rachel S. White

Committee Members

Rachel S. White, Mary Lynn Derrington, Amy Broemmel


This qualitative study explored how elementary principals used sensemaking to implement intersecting laws when making decisions on how to provide the best educational experiences for EL students while being faced with high-stakes assessment policies—in particular, third grade retention policy in Tennessee. Participants were nine elementary school principals with five or more years of experience, in Title I schools, with 5% or more EL students. Interviews were then both inductively and deductively analyzed through Weick and Caughron’s sensemaking framework. Results suggested that long-standing Federal laws, create a set of values and ethics in principals. Principals find ways to stay true to these values while still staying within the state law.

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