Doctoral Dissertations

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Teacher Education

Major Professor

Dr. Zoi A. Traga Philippakos

Committee Members

Dr. Stergios Botzakis, Dr. Douglas Fisher, Dr. Stewart Waters


Secondary social studies students must be able to comprehend complex texts to learn and critically analyze content in social studies classes; however, recent national assessments revealed that 71% of 8th graders performed below the proficient level for reading, and 86% performed below proficient in U. S. History (NCES, 2022). Secondary social studies teachers are often reluctant to implement literacy activities in their classrooms due to lack of training, constraints on time, and lack of institutional support. Read-aloud technology is accessible in many educational settings, but evidence regarding the effects of and best practices for using such technology is scarce, particularly within the context of expository reading in secondary general education settings. The purpose of this study was to develop materials and processes for the strategic use of disciplinary inquiry in conjunction with read-aloud technology in two secondary social studies classrooms. Design-Based Research methodology was utilized. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected to measure changes in student comprehension of and approaches to reading social studies texts as well as changes in social studies teachers’ approaches and self-efficacy for supporting literacy in their classes. Student and teacher perceptions of the approach were mixed. Findings revealed relationships between increases in student content learning and active strategic use of read-aloud technology as well as a relationship between increases in teacher self-efficacy and student active engagement during reading. There were no significant changes in reading comprehension, vocabulary, or reading efficiency. Limitations of the study, implications for educational stakeholders, and recommendations for the use of read-aloud technology in secondary social studies classrooms are discussed.

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