Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Barbara Moore

Committee Members

Herbert Howard, Michael Singletary, Dhyana Ziegler, Sherry Cable


According to a 1992 Gallup International Institute survey, concern over environmental problems, in general, has become a worldwide phenomenon. More specifically, many countries ranked water pollution near the top of their list of concerns. Yet, public concern for environmental protection has had its ups and downs. It seems reasonable that an understanding of public opinion formation on these issues could begin with an examination of how television news has covered these issues.

This study begins with a content analysis of 108 water pollution stories which aired on evening network newscasts between January 1970 and December 1992. The data collected through this content analysis formed the basis for a frame analysis examining the manner in which water pollution information has been transmitted to the public. Several researchers (Entman, 1993; Gamson, 1992; Snow & Benford, 1988) have identified three reasons for using frames. Frames should provide: 1) an explanation of the specific problem, 2) an indication of how serious the problem is, and 3) some idea of what might be done to solve the problem. These tasks formed the basis for the current study. Most of the stories included in this study dealt with some form of government action taken in response to a water pollution problem. According to the stories, the obvious solution to these problems is to have the government step in and solve them. Most often the problems are portrayed as being caused by industry. Unfortunately, those governmental agencies which are set up as society's saviours are also shown as being less than effective at solving water pollution problems.

The concept of framing is somewhat subjective in nature. This study built upon the work of previous researchers who have identified some more quantifiable aspects of framing. Additional coders were also used to add reliability to the study.

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