Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Curriculum and Instruction

Major Professor

Phyllis Huff

Committee Members

J. Estill Alexander, Jan Allen, Lester Knight


The purpose of this study was to examine potential factors contributing to first semester Roane State Community College students being placed in remedial/ developmental reading courses. More specifically, this study was delimited to those students attending the Campbell County site.

The study was conducted using twelve male and female students ranging in age from 18 to 30. After reading and signing letters of consent, students were interviewed using a sixteen question interview guide. Classroom and social interaction observations were also utilized to analyze student responses and formulate conclusions.

The major findings included:1) Many students perceive that the Campbell County School System did not demonstrate a genuine interest in their obtainment of an education.2) The absence of the father due to divorce or lengthy work days was viewed as a detrimental factor. Participants from homes where the father was absent due to divorce or work displayed pronounced animosity when addressing this subject.3) Some students reported that their reading related problems were due to a lack of effort on their part. Most of these students went on to clarify their responses. They were eager to point out that their lack of effort was due to inappropriate behaviors demonstrated by teachers, the school system, or other individuals with whom they interacted.4) Economics also appear to be a factor relevant to student's deficiencies in reading. Baby sitting younger siblings while parents work and limited funds for school needs were given as factors contributing to delinquency.

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