"Deep Swimmers: Robert Stackhouse (Exhibition Catalogue)" by Sam Yates, Donald Kuspit et al.

Ewing Gallery of Art & Architecture

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Exhibition catalogue published to accompany Robert Stackhouse Deep Swimmers at the Art and Architecture Gallery in 1985.

This exhibition consisted of a carefully edited selection of new work and earlier pieces from the artist's personal collection. This exhibition follows the development over ten years of site-specific "passage structures" and watercolors which extend pictorial and structural narrative of Stackhouse's postminimalist position in American art.


All photographs courtesy of Max Hutchinson Gallery with the following exceptions: cover, Jom O'Brien; mage 2, Rip Noel; page 3, Eric Pollitzer; page 13, Jim O'brien; page 14, Clemson University; page 23, Jennifer Kotter.

The works illustrated on pages 3, 4, 5, and 11, were not included in Deep Swimmers.

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