"The Intimate Collaboration: Prints from Teaberry Press (Exhibition Cat" by Sam Yates and Timothy Berry

Ewing Gallery of Art & Architecture

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Catalogue produced to document the exhibition The Intimate Collaboration: Prints from Teaberry Press. This exhibition documented the significant contributions to contemporary printmaking by Teaberry Press, an independent intaglio press owned by San Francisco-based artist, Tim Berry.

Artists represented in The Intimate Collaboration were: William Allen, Terry Allen, Robert Arneson, Charles Arnoldi, John Baeder, Timothy Berry, Roger Brown, Squeak Carnwath, Christo, Gordon Cook, Robert Cottingham, Laddie Dill, James Ford, Rupert Garcia, Oliver Jackson, Jacob Kainen, Tom Knechtel, Don Nice, Jim Nutt, Claes Oldenburg, Deborah Orapallo, Sabina Ott, Ed Paschke, Philip Pearlstein, Ed Ruscha/Jim Ganzer, Irvin Tepper, Pat Steir, Anne Thornycroft, Jom Torlakson, Jack Tworkov, Beth Van Hoesen, and Willia, T. Wiley.


Director: Sam Yates

Registrar: Cindy Cook Spangler

Preparator: Jerry Brown

Catalogue Design: Cary Staples

Photos on pages 12 and 13: Peter de Lory

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