"Dual Current: Inseparable Elements in Painting and Architecture (Exhib" by Sam Yates and Gabriele Evertz

Ewing Gallery of Art & Architecture

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Dual Current: Inseparable Elements in Painting and Architecture, curated by Gabriele Evertz, examines the relationship between painting and architecture in a contemporary context through color, shape, and theory.

The artists whose works are featured in this exhibition are: Josef Albers, Matthew Deleget , Peter Dudek, Cris Gianakos, Michelle Grabner, Lynne Harlow, Changha Hwang, Russell Maltz, Rossana Martinez, Kristine Marx, and Manfred Mohr. Their works link three-dimensional space and the picture plane to create radical new forms. Dual Current explores the relationship between painting and architecture, closely intertwined since the Renaissance.


Exhibition Curator: Gabriele Evertz

Catalogue Design: Sarah McFalls and Sam Yates

Catalogue Editors: Sam Yates, Sarah McFalls, and Eric Cagley

Printing: The University of Tennessee Graphic Arts

ISBN: 978-0-9761633-6-8

© 2017 Ewing Gallery of Art + Architecture

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