"2016 Artist in Residence Biennial (Exhibition Catalogue)" by Sam Yates and Jered Sprecher

Ewing Gallery of Art & Architecture

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The presence of acclaimed artists—who have lived and worked in major cultural centers across the country—enhances the educational opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the University of Tennessee School of Art. With daily contact over the course of a full semester, resident artists develop a unique relationship with the student body which complements the creative stimulation offered by guest lecturers and the School of Art’s faculty. Representing diverse ethnic, cultural, educational, and professional backgrounds, these resident artists introduce another layer of candor and a fresh artistic standard for the students who, though early in their formal art studies, are beginning to develop their own perceptions, skills, and theories in connection with the making of art.

2016 exhibiting artists were Molly Zuckerman-Hartung, Caitlin Keogh, Dominic Terlizzi, and Aliza Nisenbaum.


Catalogue Design: Sarah McFalls

Printing: The University of Tennessee Graphic Arts Services

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