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2014 Abstracts

Analysis of Quartz Grain Deformation Along the Llanganuco Canyon of the Cordillera Blanca Fault, Peru

Tami Laurene Banks, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Augustine, Wannabe Philosopher: the search for otium honestum

Allen Griffith Wilson, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Bayes, Brains & Babies: Electrophysiology and Mathematics of Infant Holistic Processing and Selective Inhibition

Matthew Singh, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Comparison of Bacterial Communities Associated Spider Species Occupying Different Physical Environments

Jack Kang, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Depressive Symptoms Predicted by Executive Dysfunctions

Jonathan Parks Fillauer, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Evelyn R. Conner, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Katherine E. Jacobs, University of Tennesseee - Knoxvile

Genetic Engineering of Yeast-Based Bioluminescent Reporters for Testing the Effect of Human Estrogen Receptor Alpha Mutations on its Transcriptional Activity

Peter Bowen Hjorth, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

History and Analysis of French Contributions to Space Exploration

Norma C Miselem, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Migrant Labor in the Arabian Gulf

Sara Hamza, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Novel Mutations That Affect Stomata Development in Arabidopsis thaliana

John Woodson Marshal Collins, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
William J. Carmack, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Phosphorylation Regulates Myosin Driven Organelle Movements

Peter Andrew Duden, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Quantitative Depth Profile of Prochlorococcus in the Pacific Ocean

Benjamin Carter Calfee, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Studies of Charge Collection in Diamond-Based Particle Detectors at the LHC

Jared Smith, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Talent Recruitment Strategies in Norway’s Petroleum Industries

Gareth R Butler, University of Tennessee - Knoxville