Faculty Publications and Other Works -- EECS

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Artificial morphogenesis uses processes inspired by embryology to control massive swarms of robots to assemble complex physical structures. This video shows several simulated applications of a modified flocking algorithm for collision-free routing of neural fiber bundles from origins to destinations. Flocks follow an increasing gradient of an attractant morphogen diffusing from the destination. Existing paths either emit a repelling morphogen or absorb the attractant, thus steering flocks around them. Treating flocks as continuous masses facilitates scaling to arbitrarily large flocks of microrobots.


Representative citations:

MacLennan, B. J. (2018). “Coordinating Swarms of Microscopic Agents to Assemble Complex Structures,” Ying Tan (Ed.), Swarm Intelligence, Vol. 1: Principles, Current Algorithms and Methods (PBCE119), ch. 20, pp. 583–612, IET (Inst. Eng. & Tech.).

MacLennan, B. J. (2019). “A morphogenetic program for path formation by continuous flocking.” International Journal of Unconventional Computation 14, 91–119.

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