"Approaches to case analyses in synchronous and asynchronous environmen" by Trena M. Paulus and Gina Phipps

Educational Psychology & Counseling Publications and Other Works

Source Publication (e.g., journal title)

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

Document Type


Publication Date

January 2008


Computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools can be used to integrate time-intensive tasks, such as case study analyses, more easily into the teacher education curriculum. How students talk together online for learning purposes in CMC environments is an area that has not yet been thoroughly investigated. This paper extends findings from a previous study by comparing two groups of four preservice teachers analyzing cases in a synchronous and asynchronous environment. A case study and computer-mediated discourse analysis approach was taken to make sense of the discussion transcripts and participant reflections. Booth and Hulten’s (2003) taxonomy of learning contributions is used as an analysis framework. Asymmetrical participation patterns were found in both modes, with more participatory contributions to establish presence made in the asynchronous mode. More interactive moves were contributed in the synchronous mode. Reflective contributions, mainly to agree, were present in both modes. One group chose the asynchronous and the other the synchronous environment to analyze the final case of the course. Implications for the design and analysis of case discussion tasks in CMC environments are discussed.

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