Charles W. Dabney, 1887-1904
Submissions from 1923
The Independent Truth: "Know The Truth and It Shall Make You Free", University of Tennessee - Knoxville
The Independent Truth: "Truth Answers Five Points of Criticism", University of Tennessee - Knoxville
The Truth Newsletter: "Situation at the University of Tennessee Demands the Attention of Alumni, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Letter to Dr. H.A. Morgan from Mrs. R.G. Waterhouse, R.G. Waterhouse
Letter to President H.A. Morgan from John R. Weathers with News Article Enclosed, John R. Weathers
Letter to Dean Jas. D. Hoskins from C.A. Wilson, C.A. Wilson
Letter to Dean Jas. D. Hoskins from C.A. Wilson, C.A. Wilson
Two Letters to H.A. Morgan from Mrs. Frank A. Wilson Sr., Frank A. Wilson Sr
Letters to Dr. H.A. Morgan, Ira G. Sloan from T.A. Wright, T.A. Wright
Letter to Professor M. Mulvania from C. Elmer Wylie, C. Elmer Wylie
Letter to Harcourt A. Morgan from George F. Zook, George F. Zook
Submissions from 1916
Letter to H. Clay Evans from Dr. Brown Ayres, Brown Ayres
Letter to J.A. Baylor from Dr. Brown Ayres, Brown Ayres
Letter to Mrs. H.M. Dobson from Dr. Brown Ayres, Brown Ayres
Letter to Mrs. J.H. Knox from Dr. Brown Ayres Regarding Mr. Stough and Dr. Schaeffer, Brown Ayres
Letter to Mrs. L. Crozier French from Dr. Brown Ayres, Brown Ayres
Letter to Mrs. R.W. McGranahan from Brown Ayres, Brown Ayres
Letter to W. P. Cooper from Brown Ayres, Brown Ayres
Statements Made by Professor Shofer, Brown Ayres
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from J.A. Baylor, J.A. Baylor
Letter to H. Clay Evans from J. A. Baylor, J.A. Baylor
Letters to Reverend H.W. Stough, Board of Trustees
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from A. Caldwell, A. Caldwell
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from Mrs. H. M. Dobson, H.M. Dobson
Letter from H. Clay Evans to Dalton Smith, H. Clay Evans
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from H. Clay Evans, H. Clay Evans
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from H. Clay Evans regarding Dr. Shaeffer, H. Clay Evans
Letter to L. Crozier French from H. Clay Evans, H. Clay Evans
Letter to Board of Trustees from Ruby Franklin, Ruby Franklin
"A Protest and a Request" to Smith, Evans, and Cooper, L. Crozier French
Statement by L. Crozier French regarding Stough Case, L. Crozier French
Journal Tribune Article, "Busy Day for the Evangelist: Three Services Conducted Yesterday by Dr. Stough", Journal Tribune- Newspaper
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from Mrs. J.H. Knox, J.H. Knox
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from the Tennessee Woman's Christian Temperance Union, J.H. Knox
Letter to Brown Ayres from Mrs. R.W. McGranahan, R.W. McGranahan
Letter from J.C. Pridmore regarding Dr. A.A. Shaeffer's Lecture, J.C. Helen Pridmore
Copy: Statement of Professor A.A. Schaeffer, A.A. Schaeffer
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from Bolton Smith, Bolton Smith
Letter to H. Clay Evans from Bolton Smith, Bolton Smith
Letter to J.A. Baylor from Bolton Smith, Bolton Smith
Letter to Mrs. L. Crozier from Bolton Smith, Bolton Smith
Note from H.W. Stough about YMCA Meeting, Henry W. Stough
Letter to Board of Trustees from Reverend H.W. Stough, Henry W. Stough
Letter to Board of Trustees from Reverend H.W. Stough, with notes, Henry W. Stough
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from Reverend O.R. Tarwater, O.R. Tarwater
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from Reverend O.R. Tarwater Regarding Methodist Episcopal Minister Association, O.R. Tarwater
Letter to Dr. Brown Ayres from The Methodist Episcopal Preachers' Association of Knoxville and Vicinity, The Methodist Episcopal Preachers' Association of Knoxville and Vicinity
Letter from UT's Board of Trustees to Mrs. J.H. Knox, University of Tennessee Board of Trustees
Letter to L. Crozier French from the Board of Trustees, University of Tennessee Board of Trustees
Letter to Brown Ayres from UT Treasurer, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Letter to Reverend H.W. Stough from the Board of Trustees President, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Letter to the Executive Committee of the University of Tennessee, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Notes on meeting of Board of Trustees with Reverend H.W. Stough, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Sentinel Article, "Dr. Broughton's Statement", University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Submissions from 1907
Southern Express Co. Money Order Contract, c. 1907, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1906
Inventory of Mailing Room-Hand-Written & Typed, Circa 1906, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1905
Correspondance Between Dabney & State Senator, John I. Cox, March 1905, John I. Cox and Charles Dabney
Submissions from 1903
3- Page Description Department of Education, 1903, Department of Education
Proposed Budget for Expenditures for Fiscal Year July 1, 1903-Dec 31,1903, University of Tennessee
The New Department of Education: In the University of Tennessee, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1902
"Victim of Hazers has a Close Call" Chicago Record-Herald Clipping, 11-6-1902, Chicago Record-Herald
Series of LTRS- 2/1902, Dabney/Harris, Dept. of Interior, Dept. of Interior
"Prevention of the Spread of Typhoid Fever" Health Dept. Washington, DC 1902, Health Department
Certificate of State Scholarship, University of Tennessee
UT's Response to Hazing Article, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1901
Dabney's Ogden Dinner Letter, Charles W. Dabney
Status of Appalachian Forest Reserve Movement/ Correspondence Sept 1901, Chauncey M. Depew
Western Union Telegraph to Dabney from Forest Reserve Party, Forest Reserve Party
Experiment Station List of Monies Appropriated, June 12, 1901, University of Tennessee
H.R. 3128 Dec 6, 1901, University of Tennessee
Letter about Andrew Carnegie's Donation of a Library Building , University of Tennessee
Statement of Dormitories Engaged & Profit from them, September 30, 1901, University of Tennessee
Students at UT Receiving Financial Aid, Session 1900-1901, University of Tennessee
Summary of Students in UT Campus 1900-1901 up to February 13, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1900
Brochure: "A Short Course in Agriculture" Circa 1900 (3 pgs), University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1899
Letter from E.H. Gammon Concerning Georgia- Tennessee Football Game, 11-21-1899, E.H. Gammon
Captain Nave Letter-Oct 14, 1899, University of Tennessee
Presidential Address Given, by Dabney, at the Association of Southern Colleges & Preparatory, University of Tennessee
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture-of File of Experiment Stations-2/27/1899, U.S. Department of Agriculture
H.C. Whites's, President of UG, Letter to Dabney about Football Game & Dabney's Proof Read Response, H.C. White
Submissions from 1898
Course in Meteorology at UT, Second Term 2-1-1898, University of Tennessee
Mossy Creek Farm Letter, 9-28-1898, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1895
Letter to U.S. Commissioner of Education RE: Colored Students & Funds from Morrill Act, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1894
Compensation Received by Students, June 1st, 1893 to June 1st, 1894, University of Tennessee
Improvements to Property, c 1893-4, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1893
Military Dept. Statement 1892-93, Military Dept.
Offical Notice-December 29th, 1893 Resposibilities of University Departments, Responsibilities of University Departments
Statement of Book Room Business, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1892
Bulk Receipts-Circa 1892, University of Tennessee
Industrial Department Payroll, 6-9-1892, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1891
Financial Statement from Booker D. Schmitt, Bursar, to Dabney, 4-27-1891, Booker D. Schmitt
Submissions from 1890
Order of Business of Meetings Faculty, 11/24/1890 4 pgs, Board of Trustees
Income of the University of Tennessee, 1889-1890, University of Tennessee
List of Vacancies for Free State Scholarships, July 1, 1890, University of Tennessee
Submissions from 1887
Board of Trustees minutes 7-18-1887-Dabney's Acceptance of Presidency, Board of Trustees
Minutes/ Board of Trustees Aug 8th, 1887, Board of Trustees
Contract of the Board of Trustees/ UT with Dr. Charles W. Dabney, July 25, 1887, Board of Trustees, University of Tennessee