Chemistry Publications and Other Works

Source Publication (e.g., journal title)

Izdevniecība «Baltija Publishing»

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 10-2020


This monograph contains a collection of recent research papers focusing on advancing existing technologies and developing new technologies to improve the environmentally friendliness and save resources during the production of elastic leather materials. The papers are organized based on the type of technological process used to preserve raw hides. A lot of attention is devoted to mathematical planning, simulations, and multicriteria optimization of the technological processes using newly developed chemical reagents. The monograph contains a complex study of physicochemical properties and characteristics of the resulting leather materials. The developed technologies were tested by the private joint-stock company Chinbar (Kyiv, Ukraine) and implemented at Ukrainian tanneries.

Total number of figures – 58, tables – 95, and references – 491.

ISBN: 978-9934-588-82-2 (print)

Submission Type

Publisher's Version

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