Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects

Date of Graduation






First Advisor

Kenton Yeager

Hound Plot 4-2-19.pdf (567 kB)
A ground plan view of the stage showing where each light should hang

Hound Sections 4-2-19.pdf (701 kB)
A side view of the stage showing the lights and their beams

Hound Magic Sheet.pdf (255 kB)
A cheat sheet used during tech as a quick way to remember the purpose of each light

Inspector Hound LX Cue Sheet FINAL.pdf (61 kB)
A list of each lighting cue in the play and its time, placement, and purpose

Hound Channel Hookup 4:7.pdf (381 kB)
A list detailing how each light is circuited, where it is hung, and what is associated with it

Hound Instrument Schedule 4:7.pdf (495 kB)
A list organizing all lighting instruments according to their position

Focus Charts 4:7.pdf (1099 kB)
A document describing exactly how each light should be focused

Hound Flow Chart.pdf (39 kB)
A breakdown of each moment of the play

Visual Research 2.pdf (3981 kB)
Inspiration and visual representations of some of the ideas related to the lighting design

3_Written Research.docx (111 kB)
Contextual research about the play and about the design of the play

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