![Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects](../../assets/md5images/7d7b871c31ea65bfa5ee1bd41cca8e9e.gif)
Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects
Date of Graduation
Mechanical Engineering
First Advisor
Dr. Larry Sharpe
Recommended Citation
Fogelman, Phoebe E., "Development of an Efficient Data Processing Procedure for the Prediction of Cleavage Fracture in Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels Using the J-A2 Method" (2015). Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects.
J_A2_abaqus_dataprocessing.m (10 kB)
Matlab code used to solve quadratic equation for A2
J_A2_analysis.py (5 kB)
Python script for processing Abaqus results
Matlab code used to solve quadratic equation for A2
J_A2_analysis.py (5 kB)
Python script for processing Abaqus results
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