Entomology & Plant Pathology | University of Tennessee, Knoxville Research | TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange
Entomology & Plant Pathology

Entomology & Plant Pathology

Department Chair: Dr. Bob Trigiano, Head

The University of Tennessee Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology (EPP) provides leadership in the generation and dissemination of knowledge on insects, related arthropods, and plant and animal diseases that affect the quality of life of all Tennesseans. EPP is the only academic unit in Tennessee with the mission and responsibility to provide basic and applied information on questions of plant diseases and insect related problems affecting plants, animals, and humans. Successful fulfillment of the mission requires a diverse complement of disciplinary expertise working in a highly integrated environment of teaching, research, extension, and outreach. Departmental programs focus primarily on solving problems within Tennessee, yet draw on information generated worldwide and, in turn, provide information that is useful throughout the world.

Many of the projects within the department involve interdisciplinary activity. These studies include close cooperation and interaction with soil scientists, plant geneticists, horticulturists, veterinarians, and ecologists. For instance, the department has special interest and expertise in alternative methods of insect and disease management such as biological control, resistant cultivars, integrated pest management, and cultural control techniques, to help meet the need for healthful food production without, or with reduced, use of pesticides.


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