Original Research Articles
Reproductive Characteristics of the Stripetail Darter (Etheostoma kennicotti) Relative to Monogenean Gill Parasite Infection in Estill Fork in North Alabama
Joy L. Garcia, Zeina Celine Sleiman, Corinne N. Preacher, and Bruce Stallsmith
Spawning Ecology and Spawning Site Fidelity of Alligator Gar, Atractosteus spatula, in the Fourche LaFave River: Implications for River-Floodplain Management and Alligator Gar Conservation
S. Reid Adams, Thomas E. Inebnit, Lindsey C. Lewis, Christopher J. Naus, Edward Kluender, and Geoffry G. Spooner
A Long-Recognized but Undescribed New Species of Cyprinella (Cypriniformes: Leuciscidae) from North Carolina and South Carolina, United States
Bryn H. Tracy, Fred C. Rohde, Michael A. Perkins, Laura M. Lee, Kara B. Carlson, Madelyn McCutcheon, Brena K. Jones, and Heather K. Evans
Seasonal occupancy of the thermal plume of a spring tributary to the South Fork Roanoke River, Virginia.
Steven L. Powers, Michael M. Calvert, and Charlotte M. Spaulding