Pursuit | Vol 9 | Iss 1

Volume 9, Issue 1 (2019)

Pursuit - The Journal of Undergraduate Research at the University of Tennessee accepts advanced, original, research-based submissions from undergraduate students in all academic disciplines. Graduates may submit their work within one year of their graduation date. Please make sure to review the Policies of Pursuit prior to submission. If you have questions about your potential submission, please contact the editors. Pursuit publishes articles under a Creative Commons Attribution International License.



LiDAR-based Sinkhole Detection and Mapping in Knox County, Tennessee
J Clint Shannon, David Moore, Yingkui Li, and Cathy Olsen

Vol. 9 Editorial Board

Grant Rigney

Managing Editor for the Humanities & Social Sciences
Alexander Tripp

Managing Editor for the Sciences & Engineering
Thomas Clarity

Research Editor
Ainsley Ellington

Research Editor
Brandon Barker

Chair of Outreach
Sophia Cui

Vol. 9 Review Board

Alec Yen
Andrew Hagy
Brandon Rowell
Caroline Ong
Catherine Moore
Chad Smith
Chrissy Freeland
David Perryman
Elizabeth Glover
Grant Bauman
Jason Liang
Kaylie Richard
Kellie Veltri
Maggie Pepper
Matthew Herald
Max Burzinski
Mike Lidwin
Patrick Sonnenburg
Rachel Mersch
Steven Patrick
Varun Rangnekar

Faculty & Staff

Advisors & Reviewers

Steven Johnston
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics

Stephen Blackwell
Modern Foreign Languages & Literatures

Rachel Caldwell
Scholarly Communication Librarian
University Libraries

Kathleen Thompson
Clinical Professor
College of Nursing

Michelle Violanti
Associate Professor
College of Communication and Information

Michael McKinney
Environmental Science and Urban Ecology

Martin Griffin
Associate Professor
Department of English

Mariano Labrador
Associate Professor
Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology

Lisa King
Associate Professor
Department of English

Dorian McCoy
Associate Department Head; Associate Professor of Higher Education; Program Coordinator, College Student Personnel
College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences

Tricia Redeker Hepner
Associate Professor, Director: Disasters, Displacement, and Human Rights Program
Department of Anthropology

Thomas Davis
School of Architecture

Anne Smith
Department Head, Management
College of Business

Sally Seraphin
Department of Psychology

Kelsey Ellis
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography

Stephanie TerMaath
Faculty Fellow
College of Engineering

Office of Research

Robert Nobles
Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement

Marisa Moazen
Executive Director
Office of Undergraduate Research