Content Posted in 2021
Whose Voices are Heard? Sources Quoted in Media Coverage of Amateurism and NIL Rights in College Sport, Peyton L. Woods
Wide Area Damping Control to Improve Transient Stability and Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) Implementation, Ibrahim Abdullah Altarjami
William Faulkner's visual art : word and image in the early graphic work and the major fiction, Randall Shawn Wilhelm
William F. Loy (Exhibition Poster), Department of Art
William Loy, Department of Art
Winning Hearts, Not Arguments: An Interview with Father Greg Boyle, Christopher S. Harris and Jorge Ribeiro
Winter is Coming – Temperature Affects Immune Defenses and Susceptibility to Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans, Matthew Gray
Within-Reach Temperature Heterogeneity is Limited in a Southern Appalachian Stream Network: Implications for Climate Change Refugia and Reach-Scale Temperature Mapping, Anna Kaz, Matthew Troia Dr., and Xingli Giam Dr.
Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): Pre-College and College Factors of Success, Jada Russell
Women of Asian descent and their self identification and involvement in sport and physical activity, Catherine C.W. English
Women, work, and retirement : issues and questions for policy and practice, Mixon Ware-Hargis
Women, work, and retirement : issues and questions for policy and practice, Mixon Ware-Hargis
Women working in sport psychology : a feminist examination of women's career experiences, Emily Ann Roper
Women working in sport psychology : a feminist examination of women's career experiences, Emily Ann Roper
Words of descrimination, voices of determination : reflections of the desegregation of Clinton High School, Lana Carmen Seivers
Workers' compensation injuries/illnesses : an analysis of selected Knox County government employee claims, Theda Carol Hamilton
Work ethic of teachers : a comparison of teaching levels, genders, and Generation X and Baby Boomers, Heather Keller
Working Alliance as a Mediator between Supervisory Styles and Supervisee Satisfaction, Dan Li, David K. Duys, and Yanhong Liu
Working hard for the money : tax noncompliance in the small building and construction industry, Anne Austin Carroll
Working memory and study abroad: a study of memory and language gains, Lauren R. Adams
Workplace Flexibility, Work-Family Guilt, and Working Mothers’ Parenting Behavior, Melissa LaGraff
Worse Than I Thought: How a Model of a Racial Dialogue Affects White People’s Anxiety, Keri Frantell
Written language outcomes of deaf elementary students engaged in authentic writing, Kimberly A. Wolbers, Hannah Dostal, David Cihak, and Leala Holcomb
Yaupon Drink: A Medicine Bundle in the Atlantic World, Steven P. Carriger Jr
Your Department of Fine Art, Department of Art
Zyflamend Inhibits Adipogenesis: A mechanistic study evaluating the impact of phytonutrients on adipocyte differentiation, Victoria Frankel