Faculty Publications and Other Works -- Nursing
Instructional design portfolio: A faculty development program for nurse educators learning to teach online.
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As the College of Nursing at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville prepared to move their graduate programs online, a nursing faculty grass-roots movement led to the implementation of a faculty development program. This instructional design portfolio describes the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of this program, with the goal of identifying best practices in the design of programs for learning to teach online. These include understanding the importance of just-in-time learning, developing the ability to meet diverse needs, defining workshop expectations and workload requirements, increased integration of technology and pedagogy training, and the importance of modeling.
Recommended Citation
Debby Lee, Trena M. Paulus, Iryna Loboda, Gina Phipps, Tami Wyatt, Carole Myers, and Sandy Mixer. "Instructional design portfolio: A faculty development program for nurse educators learning to teach online." Tech Trends 54.6 (2010): 20-28