Faculty Publications and Other Works -- Nursing

Telenursing Intervention Increases Psychiatric Medication Adherence in Schizophrenia Outpatients

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BACKGROUND: Promoting medication adherence is a critical issue in optimizing both physical and mental health in persons with schizophrenia. Average antipsychotic medication adherence is only 50%; few studies have examined nonpsychiatric medication adherence. Psychosocial interventions with components of problem solving and motivation have shown promise in improving adherence behaviors. OBJECTIVES: This study examines telephone intervention problem solving (TIPS) for outpatients with schizophrenia. TIPS is a weekly, provider-initiated, proactive telenursing intervention designed to help persons with schizophrenia respond to a variety of problems, including adherence problems. STUDY DESIGN : The authors completed objective measures of adherence to psychiatric and nonpsychiatric medications in 29 community-dwelling persons with schizophrenia, monthly for 3 months. STUDY RESULTS : Persons receiving TIPS had significantly higher objective adherence to psychiatric medications throughout the study period, F(1, 20) = 5.47, p = .0298. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should consider using TIPS as an adjunct to face-to-face appointments to support adherence in persons at risk.

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