Faculty Publications and Other Works -- Nursing

Feasibility of the Walk, Address, Learn and Cue (WALC) Intervention for Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders

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The WALC intervention was designed to motivate exercise in the elderly. Persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) face similar exercise barriers. We described theoritical underpinnings of the WALC intervention and how we adapted it for SSDs. We conducted a feasibility study of the adapted intervention in 17 persons with SSDs. The adapted intervention incorporated low intensity stretches, exercise education and exercise cues. The intervention was feasible and acceptable to participants; approximately two-thirds of all groups were attended and nearly half of participants attended at least 75% of groups. Follow up studies should examine the effect of the intervention upon future exercise behavior, with the goal of identifying evidence based interventions to increase exercise in this group.

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