Masters Theses

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

W. Raphael Hix, Eric J. Lentz

Committee Members

Jaan Mannik, Sherwood Richers


The study of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) helps us understand the origin and history of chemical abundances in our Universe. Previous numerical studies of CCSNe have shown the importance of non-radial motion in pre-collapse progenitors on the explosion outcome. In this thesis, I use the 2D Chimera neutrino radiation hydrodynamics code to run simulations of four models with 15 solar mass (M⊙) progenitors but different initial conditions sourced from different 1D and 2D pre-collapse burning environments. To analyze the models, I compare the explosion evolution of their nuclear abundances, shocks, neutrino heating, accretion, explosion geometry, and turbulent convection. Despite the differences in the initial composition and structures, all four models demonstrate similar behaviors before core bounce. Their deviations start to manifest until 300 ms after core bounce, as their explosions mature. I also compare our results to the outcomes reported by other research groups, examining the impacts of multi-dimensional progenitors. Unlike prior results, we do not find the difference in turbulent energy introduced by the multi-dimensional structure in the progenitor. We also find the perturbation to the shock as it breaches the Si/O interface does not trigger the explosion. Lastly, the relation between the explosion energy and morphology in our models does not fit in the patterns concluded by prior research.

M1_entropy_5000km_ms300to600.mp4 (5849 kB)
Entropy movie for G15-SiSB-M1 between 300-600 ms post-bounce.

M2_entropy_5000km_ms300to600.mp4 (5411 kB)
Entropy movie for G15-SiSB-M2 between 300-600 ms post-bounce.

M3_entropy_5000km_ms300to600.mp4 (5616 kB)
Entropy movie for G15-SiSB-M3 between 300-600 ms post-bounce.

M4_entropy_5000km_ms300to600.mp4 (5423 kB)
Entropy movie for G15-SiSB-M4 between 300-600 ms post-bounce.

M4_700ms_event_density_10fps.mp4 (274 kB)
Density movie for G15-SiSB-M4 increasing outflow event at 700 ms post-bounce.

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