Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Bruce A. Tschantz

Committee Members

Jim Smoot, Chris Cox


The United States Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Tennessee State Planning Office, conducted a four year water quality study in the Clinch and Powell River basins in northeast Tennessee. An intermittent sampling program was conducted from June 1989 through May 1993. Water quality constituents were determined for two sites on each river, an upstream site near the Tennessee/Virginia state line and a downstream site prior to entering the backwater of Norris Lake.

Fecal bacteria were above the regulatory limits on both upstream sites for 13 out of 37 samples. These bacteria counts were reduced through dilution and short life expectancy prior to reaching the downstream sites, which only exceeded regulatory limits for 2 out of 32 samples.

Individual nutrient measurements of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds were found consistent with natural surface water levels throughout the entire study period. Nutrient loads were attempted to fit a regression function of water discharge and seasonal effects. However, the error obtained with this method was excessively large (82% error on average), and the technique was determined to be unacceptable.

Sediment discharge was found to be a function of water discharge, a rainfall factor, and seasonal effects at the four study sites. Annual sediment loads were estimated for each river as 105 tons/mi²/year on the Clinch River and 175 tons/mi²/year on the Powell River. These estimates contain an average 17.5 percent range of error.

The major ionic composition of the rivers (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate, chloride, silica, and fluoride) is an indication of the geology under the basin. All levels of these ionic species determined in the study were found to be consistent with a carbonate system. No values were measured in excess of regulatory limits.

During the study period, measured concentrations of 2 trace constituents exceeded regulatory limits at the upstream sites. Total iron concentrations exceeded the aquatic life standard for 18 of 23 samples at the Clinch River near Looney's Gap, for 36 of 38 samples at the Powell River at Alanthus Hill, for 2 of 3 samples at the Clinch River above Tazewell, and for 1 of 2 samples at the Powell River above Arthur. Total manganese concentrations exceeded the aquatic life standard for 16 of 23 samples at the Clinch River near Looney's Gap, for 35 of 38 samples at the Powell River at Alanthus Hill, for 2 of 3 samples at the Clinch River above Tazewell, and 1 of 2 samples at the Powell River above Arthur. Total copper concentration exceeded aquatic life standards for1 of 2 samples at Powell River above Arthur.

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